Is this Your Business?

Integrated Data Management

Integrated Data Management

  • Integrated Data Management is management of data across complete business processes instead of by the traditional departmental functions. Every piece of commercial data has a role to play and can influence the profitability of the ultimate sale. Management of this data is often carried out in different departments with little interaction. Therefore apparently innocuous changes in one department can have a significant effect on the resulting profitability.
  • There are different business models to support the management of commercial data. These are usually based in the traditional departmenal functions. Due to the complexity, effective liaison between these functions is usually poor as each has a different interest in their portion of the data.

 Combining these different data elements together can create literally billions of combinations. This is where substantial profit opportunity can hide.

  • Generating excellence in one area of the data is like re-assuring yourself that your end of the boat isn’t sinking!

Centralise your Data Management

  • At ‘Maximise Your Data’ (MYD), we would always recommend a centralised commercial data approach. This gives the stewardship of the data to commercial data specialists and allows all elements of data and data structure to be managed on behalf of the traditional functions.
  • There are however few businesses that have implemented this business model. Therefore, if this is not the way that your business is structured, we can overlay a suite of processes and reports to simulate centralised control, ensuring that the data management is being coordinated so as to minimise profit leakage. These reports work alongside our profit improvement exploitation processes and form part of the MYD Profit Cycle.

You can benefit from the centralisation of data management without spending the time and money re-organising your business.

 Maximise Your Data Ltd – Unlock the Profit Potential in Your Commercial Data


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